Sugarmill the beginning. A conversation with Jim Sanders.

Jim Sanders, Retired President of Sugarmill Woods and one of the guiding forces in its creation, drew a standing-room-only crowd at the Sugarmill Woods Civic Association Community Outreach presentation in March, 2011. Over 120 residents attended; more than two dozen stood for 90 minutes because every chair was filled. They all stayed.

It was clear to SMWCA that Jim was a unique community resource, and that his story-the Sugarmill Woods story-should be preserved. The Board authorized member Dick Hirsch to produce an oral history video for its website with Greenbelt Gazette Editor Norm Wagy as host and Norm's son Bill, President of Bill Wagy Productions in Sarasota, as cameraman, editor and director. The result is an engaging portrait of how Sugarmill Woods got here, who made it happen, and what it all means today.